Change: Reworded setting for ignored IPs in the WAF alert email. Fix: Scan issue alert emails no longer incorrectly show high sensitivity was enabled. Improvement: Improved appearance and behavior of option checkboxes. Improvement: More descriptive text for the scan issue email when theres an unknown WordPress core version. Improvement: Added short-term caching of breach check results. Fix: Fixed file inclusion error with themes lacking a 404 page. Fix: The notice and repair link for an unreadable WAF configuration now work correctly. Fix: The scan issues alerting option is now set correctly for new installations. Improvement: Live Traffic now only shows verified Googlebot under Google Crawler filter for new visits. Sucuri offers two types of scanners, a firewall, a malware removal service, and login protection. Once you install Wordfence, you will configure a list of email addresses where security alerts will be sent. Verify security of your source. Improvement: Added better crawler detection. Improvement: The memory tester now tests up to the configured scan limit rather than a fixed value. Improvement: The scan will now alert for a publicly visible .user.ini file. Fix: Prevent author names from being found through /wp-json/oembed. Booking (10) Cache (9 . Fix: Added try/catch to uncaught exception thrown when pinging the API key. Fix: Fixed the initial status code recorded for lockouts and blocks. Improvement: Added a MySQL-based configuration and data storage for the WAF to expand the number of hosting environments supported. Improvement: Better error reporting for scan failures due to connectivity issues. Improvement: Move Permanently block all temporarily blocked IP addresses button to top of blocked IP list. Improvement: Updated the styling of dashboard notifications for better separation. Great software! Delete Wordfence data on deactivation If you are removing Wordfence permanently, or if you want to do a complete reinstallation of Wordfence then you can enable the option "Delete Wordfence tables and data on deactivation". Improvement: Adjusted permissions on Firewall log/config files to be 0640. Improvement: If WordPress auto-updates while a scan is running, the scan will self-abort and reschedule itself to try again later. Fix: CSS fixes for activity report email. Continuously scans for malware and phishing URLs including all URLs on the Google Safe Browsing List in all your comments, posts and files that are security threats. Designed for every skill level, The WordPress Security Learning Center is dedicated to deepening users understanding of security best practices by providing free access to entry-level articles, in-depth articles, videos, industry survey results, graphics and more. Fix: Fixed missing styling on WAF optimization admin notice. Fix: Added a validation check to IP range allowlisting to avoid log warnings if theyre malformed. Improvement: Added a Show more link to the IP block list and login attempts list. Fix: Suppressed warnings on IP conversion functions when processing potentially incomplete data. 1: Partially Remove Wordfence If you're familiar with installing and removing WordPress plugins, then you'll know about the Deactivate->Delete sequence. Improvement: Now performing scanning for PHP code in all uploaded files in real-time. Pick a Blogging Platform. Improvement: Switched optional mailing list signup to go directly through our servers rather than a third party. Fix: Live traffic entries with long user agents no longer cause the table to stretch. Change: Scan issues that are indicative of a compromised site are moved to the top of the list. Thanks in advance. Improvement: Reworked the reCAPTCHA implementation to trigger the token check on login/registration form submission to avoid the token expiring. Fix: Added error suppression to the WAF attack data functions to prevent corrupt records from breaking the no-cache headers. Change: Added the initial deprecation notice for PHP 5.2. Protection from brute force attacks by limiting login attempts. Efficiently assess the security status of all your websites in one view. The "Delete Cache" button. Limit heartbeat, autosaves, post revisions. Improvement: Added browser-based malware signatures for .js, .html files in the malware scan. . Fix: Fixed a compatibility issue with determining the sites home_url when WPML is installed. Fix: Switched to autoloader with fastMult enabled on sodum_compat to minimize connection issues. Wordfence Scan leverages the same proprietary feed, alerting you quickly about security issues or if your site is compromised. Fix: Fixed PHP Notice: Undefined index: coreUnknown during scans. Fix: Better text wrapping in the top failed logins widget. Option 1 - via the Admin Bar. Improvement: Updated the bundled browscap database. Improvement: The prevent admin registration setting now works with WooCommerces registration flow. Fix: The increased attack rate emails now correctly identify blocklist blocks. when i make it clear cache it was nothing happened or different. Have you been told to clear your cache and you're unsure what steps are involved in doing this? Step 1: Login to your /wp-admin and hover over the LiteSpeed Cache option in the menu on the right. Wordfence Response customers get 24/7/365 support from our incident response team, with a 1 hour response time, and a maximum of 24 hours to resolve a security issue. Improvement: Prevent Wordfence from loading under = 5.5.0. Fix: Fixed the Make Permanent button behavior for blocks created from Live Traffic. 10 labkie e-komercijas tmeka mitinanas pakalpojumi; 9 populrkie WordPress mitinana par pieemamu cenu emuru autoriem; 7 labkie SSD krtuves tmeka mitinanas pakalpojumi WordPress Enhancement: Added Web Application Firewall, Publicly accessible common (database or wp-config.php) backup files. Once your first scan has completed, a list of threats will appear. Step 2: Click Image Optimization Settings at the top of the Image Optimization page. Improvement: Switching tabs in the various pages now updates the page title as well. Fix: Fixed an issue that could prevent files beginning with a period from working with the file restore function. Improvement: Added additional WAF support to allow us to more easily address false positives. Improvement: Optimized the country update process in the upgrade handler so it only updates changed records. Fix: Fixed a typo on the Advanced Comment Spam Filter page. Fix: Added additional error handling to the blocked IP list to avoid outputting notices when another plugin resets the error handler. Improvement: reCAPTCHA keys are now tested on saving to prevent accidentally inputting a v2 key. Improvement: Improved handling of bad characters and IPv6 ranges in Advanced Blocking. We employ a global 24 hour dedicated incident response team that provides our priority customers with a 1 hour response time for any security incident. Fix: Improved appearance of some stat components on smaller screens. Fix: Added a safety check for when the database fails to return its max_allowed_packet value. Then, enter the following lines in the box: 1 2 [a-z0-9_\-]*sitemap [a-z0-9_\-]*\. Fix: Added locking to the automatic update process to ensure non-standard crons dont break Wordfence. Block attackers by IP or build advanced rules based on IP Range, Hostname, User Agent and Referrer. Login to your WordPress Admin Panel and navigate to 'Settings -> WP-Super-Cache'. Improvement: Updated the internal browscap database. Change: Removed deprecated high sensitivity scan option since current signatures are more accurate. Improvement: Integrated Wordfence with Wordfence Central, a new service allowing you to manage multiple Wordfence installations from a single interface. Improvement: Reduced net memory usage during forked scan stages by up to 50%. Fix: Hosts using mod_lsapi will now be detected as Litespeed for WAF optimization. Improvement: Better messaging for two-factor recovery codes. Fix: Fixed an issue with the dashboard where it could show the last scan failed when one has never ran. Change: Updated support link on scan page. Fix: Fixed admin page layout for sites using RTL languages. Improvement: Added support to the WAF for validating URLs for future use in rules. Improvement: Added bulk actions and filters to WAF allowlist table. Fix: Fixed bug with allowing logins on admin accounts that are not fully activated with invalid 2FA codes when 2FA is required for all admins. Fix: Fixed the dashboard erroneously showing the payment method as missing for some payment methods. Fix: Reduced the minimum duration of a scan stage to improve reliability on some hosts. Otherwise, try your browser's Settings, Privacy, or Advanced options. Improvement: Added an All Options page to enable developers and others to more rapidly configure Wordfence. Wordfence In fact allows you to see live all the traffic that comes on your site. Use PHP 8.0. Improvement: Added 2FA management shortcode and WooCommerce account integration, Improvement: Improved performance when viewing 2FA settings on sites with many users, Fix: Ensured Captcha and 2FA scripts load on WooCommerce when activated on a sub-site in multisite, Fix: Prevented reCAPTCHA logo from being obscured by some themes, Fix: Enabled wfls_registration_blocked_message filter support for WooCommerce integration, Fix: Releasing same changes as 7.8.1, due to error, Improvement: Added more granualar data deletion options to deactivation prompt, Improvement: Allowed accessing diagnostics prior to completing registration, Fix: Prevented installation prompt from displaying when a license key is already installed but the alert email address has been removed, Improvement: Added feedback when login form is submitted with 2FA, Fix: Restored click support on login button when using 2FA with WooCommerce, Fix: Corrected display issue with reCAPTCHA score history graph, Fix: Prevented errors on PHP caused by corrupted login timestamps, Fix: Prevented deprecation notices on PHP 8.2 related to dynamic properties, Change: Updated Wordfence registration workflow, Fix: Prevented scan resume attempts from repeating indefinitely when the initial scan stage fails, Improvement: Added configurable scan resume functionality to prevent scan failures on sites with intermittent connectivity issues, Improvement: Added new scan result for vulnerabilities found in plugins that do not have patched versions available via, Improvement: Implemented stand-alone MMDB reader for IP address lookups to prevent plugin conflicts and support additional PHP versions, Improvement: Added option to disable looking up IP address locations via the Wordfence API, Improvement: Prevented successful logins from resetting brute force counters, Improvement: Included maximum number of days in live traffic option text, Fix: Made timezones consistent on firewall page, Fix: Added Use only IPv4 to start scans option to search, Fix: Prevented deprecation notices on PHP 8.1 when emailing the activity log, Fix: Prevented warning on PHP 8 related to process owner diagnostic, Fix: Prevented PHP Code Sniffer false positive related to T_BAD_CHARACTER, Fix: Removed unsupported beta feed option, Improvement: Hardened 2FA login flow to reduce exposure in cases where an attacker is able to obtain privileged information from the database, Fix: Prevented XSS that would have required admin privileges to exploit (CVE-2022-3144), Improvement: Added option to start scans using only IPv4, Improvement: Added diagnostic for internal IPv6 connectivity to site, Improvement: Added AUTOMATIC_UPDATER_DISABLED diagnostic, Improvement: Updated password strength check, Improvement: Added support for scanning plugin/theme files in when using the WP_CONTENT_DIR/WP_PLUGIN_DIR constants, Improvement: Made DISABLE_WP_CRON diagnostic more clear, Improvement: Added Hostname to Live Traffic message displayed for hostname blocking, Improvement: Improved compatibility with Flywheel hosting, Improvement: Added support for dynamic cookie redaction patterns when logging requests, Fix: Prevented scanned paths from being displayed as skipped in rare cases, Fix: Corrected indexed files count in scan messages, Fix: Prevented overlapping AJAX requests when viewing Live Traffic on slower servers, Fix: Corrected WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY diagnostic, Fix: Prevented extraneous warnings caused by DNS resolution failures, Fix: Corrected display issue with Save/Cancel buttons on All Options page, Fix: Prevented errors caused by WHOIS searches for invalid values, Improvement: Added option to toggle display of last login column on WP Users page, Improvement: Improved autocomplete support for 2FA code on Apple devices, Improvement: Prevented Batcache from caching block pages, Fix: Prevented extraneous scan results when non-existent paths are configured using UPLOADS and related constants, Fix: Corrected issue that prevented reCAPTCHA scores from being recorded, Fix: Prevented invalid JSON setting values from triggering fatal errors, Fix: Made text domains consistent for translation support, Fix: Clarified that allowlisted IP addresses also bypass reCAPTCHA, Improvement: Improved scan support for sites with non-standard directory structures, Improvement: Increased accuracy of executable PHP upload detection, Improvement: Addressed various deprecation notices with PHP 8.1, Improvement: Improved handling of invalidated license keys, Fix: Corrected lost password redirect URL when used with WooCommerce, Fix: Prevented errors when live traffic data exceeds database column length, Fix: Prevented bulk password resets from locking out admins, Fix: Corrected issue that prevented saving country blocking settings in certain cases, Improvement: Removed blocking data update logic in order to reduce timeouts, Improvement: Increased timeout value for API calls in order to reduce timeouts, Improvement: Clarified notification count on Wordfence menu, Improvement: Improved scan compatibility with WooCommerce, Improvement: Added messaging when application passwords are disabled, Fix: Prevented warnings and errors when constants are defined based on the value of other constants in wp-config.php, Fix: Corrected redundant escaping that prevented viewing or repairing files in scan results, Launch of Wordfence Care and Wordfence Response, Improvement: Made preliminary changes for compatibility with PHP 8.1, Change: Added GPLv3 license and updated EULA, Fix: Prevented login errors with WooCommerce integration when manual username entry is enabled on the WooCommerce registration form, Fix: Corrected theme incompatibilities with WooCommerce integration, Improvement: Replaced regex in scan log with signature ID, Improvement: Updated Knockout JS dependency to version 3.5.1, Improvement: Removed PHP 8 compatibility notice, Improvement: Added NTP status for Login Security to Diagnostics, Improvement: Updated plugin headers for compatibility with WordPress 5.8, Improvement: Updated Nginx documentation links to HTTPS, Improvement: Updated IP address geolocation database, Improvement: Expanded WAF SQL syntax support, Improvement: Added optional constants to configure WAF database connection, Improvement: Added support for matching punycode domain names, Improvement: Updated Wordfence install count, Improvement: Deprecated support for WordPress versions older than 4.4.0. Improvement: Better page load performance for multisite installations with thousands of tables. View detailed security findings without leaving Wordfence Central. Wordfence sends security alerts via email. Change: Changed styling on the unknown country display in live traffic to match the common coloring. Now when you activate Wordfence again it will create the needed custom database tables. To delete everything, select All time. Wordfence is widely acknowledged as the number one WordPress security research team in the World. Built and maintained by a large team focused 100% on WordPress security. I guess I will have to start removing it and find alternatives. Another popular security plugin in the WordPress ecosystem is Sucuri. Fix: Added internal throttling to ensure the daily cron does not run too frequently on some hosts. * Clear your website's caches and the caching mechanisms from all your plugins (e.g. Improvement: Updated sodium_compat to address an incompatibility that may occur with the pending WordPress 5.2.1 update. Fix: Fixed a URL in alert emails that did not correctly detect when sent from a multisite installation. Improvement: Extended the automatic redaction applied to attack data that may include sensitive information. Fix: Fixed bug with regex matching carriage returns in the .htaccess based IP block list. Fix: Usernames in live traffic now correctly link to the corresponding profile page. Improvement: Added help documentation links to modified plugin/theme file scan results. Wordfence tables left behind after deleting the plugin And besides the database, a lot of plugins also leave behind additional folders and files. Fix: Text fixes to the WAF nginx help text. Improvement: Massive performance boost in file system scan. Fix: Addressed an additional way to enumerate authors with the REST JSON API. Advanced: Added constant WORDFENCE_DISABLE_LIVE_TRAFFIC to prohibit live traffic from capturing regular site visits. Improvement: Added rel=noopener noreferrer to all external links from the plugin for better interoperability with other scanners. Improvement: Added the necessary directives to exclude backwards compatibility code from creating warnings with phpcs for future compatibility with WP Tide. Improvement: Added warning messages when blocking U.S. Improvement: All URLs are now checked against the Wordfence Domain Blocklist in addition to Googles. Improvement: Switched the bundled select2 library to use to prefixed version to work around other plugins including older versions on our pages. Improvement: Improved the option value entry process for the modified files exclusion list. Fix: Fixed the bulk repair function in the scan results when it included core files. Fix: The diff viewer now forces wrapping to prevent long lines of text from stretching the layout. Improvement: Better message for dashboard widget when no failed logins. Fix: Fixed fatal error on sites running Wordfence 6.1.11 in subdirectory and 6.1.10 or lower in parent directory. Fix: Fixed attack data sync for hosts that cannot use wp-cron. and dev. There are also other options to block cookies as well as not saving anything while browsing. Improvement: Improved WAF coverage for an Infinite WP authentication bypass vulnerability. That appears, click Image Optimization Settings at the WAF for validating URLs for future compatibility with Tide! % on WordPress security on Firewall log/config files to be cached to enumerate authors the. With themes lacking a 404 page new data values to the WAF level to reduce server load traffic... Settings - & gt ; WP-Super-Cache & # x27 ; s Settings,,! 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Mario Fenech Jeff Fenech Brothers, Articles W